
There is no known cure for lymphoedema, but it can be managed with appropriate care. Lymphoedema is swelling caused by damage to or removal of the lymph nodes. It does not discriminate between sexes. The aim of management is to reduce and control swelling, improve the range of movement of the affected area and prevent infections.

Any time surgery is performed, a scar is left behind. Breast augmentation is no different. Incisions usually heal well, but it never hurts to try to help the healing process along so that the best result possible is achieved.

Any injury to the body outside of a superficial wound (scratch, small cut, etc.), results in scarring. A scar is comprised of fibrous tissue composed of collagen. Under normal conditions, the body replaces the broken down collagen with new collagen fibers at a rate that is in balance with the breakdown of the old collagen. Normally, this results in a scar that is flat, usually with coloring very similar to our natural skin pigment.

A small portion of the population is prone to keloid or hypertrophic scarring, which require treatment since they are very noticeable.

Whether you're prone to keloid or hypertrophic scarring or not, it certainly does not hurt to help your incisions along by treating them with products aimed at aiding the healing process.

Scars in younger people tend to have more pleasing results than in older people. This is due to the fact in younger people, collagen is produced at a faster rate.

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General advice if you have developed or are at risk of developing lymphoedema includes:
• Skin care
— daily attention to skin care is essential as the skin provides a protective barrier against infection.
• Exercise
 — general exercise will help your mobility and maintenance of a healthy body weight.
Talk to your doctor about what additional treatment options may be suitable for you.
Your doctor may refer you to a qualified lymphoedema practitioner for an individualised treatment program, often referred to as complex physical therapy (CPT). A lymphoedema practitioner is an occupational therapist, physiotherapist or nurse who is specifically trained to treat lymphoedema.
The treatments recommended will vary depending on the stage of the lymphoedema and the severity of symptoms.
Components of CPT include:
• Compression garments
 — these are tightly fitting elastic garments worn on the affected area. Studies suggest that wearing a compression garment can help to reduce the swelling associated with lymphoedema by stopping fluid from building up and by moving excess fluid out of the affected area. Wearing a compression garment may be recommended at times when swelling is present, or during certain activities such as sport or air travel. It may be combined with other forms of treatment such as manual lymphatic drainage (see opposite). Compression garments should be fitted professionally and replaced when they lose their elasticity.
• Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) or decongestive physiotherapy
— this is a special form of massage of the affected area that aims to improve the way in which the lymphatic vessels are working and helps reduce the build-up of fluid. It includes long, slow, gentle strokes that stimulate the flow of lymph from the affected area through the remaining lymph vessels to nearby or distant lymph nodes. Such treatments should be designed by a qualified lymphoedema practitioner, who can also teach your family members this specialized technique.
• Special limb exercises
— many of these exercises for the affected limb can be taught to you or a carer, and may be done at home.
• Elevation
— raising the limb, for example by supporting the arm or leg on several pillows, can help reduce the symptoms of lymphoedema in the early stages of the condition.
• Compression bandaging
— is usually done in combination with MLD, to reduce severe swelling prior to the fitting of a compression garment or if the skin is very fragile or damaged. These bandages should be replaced every day.